Dear Madam, Sir,

ukSaying one thing – meaning something else: for people with aphasia this is everyday reality. Aphasia is found all over the world and can hit anyone. Globally more than 5 million people suffer from this disease.


canadaEnclosed you will find information leaflets on aphasia: a language disorder as a result of brain damage, which makes people suddenly unable to speak, understand, read, or write normally.


scotlandThese leaflets are offered to you free of charge by the Association Internationale Aphasie. This association has, among other things, the objective to inform people worldwide on this drastic language handicap.


irelandThanks to the efforts of the national aphasia associations that are associated with this worldwide platform, and thanks to the support of various Rotary Clubs, we can offer you these leaflets.


maltaThe leaflets are intended to inform patients and their families. We would like to ask you to spread these leaflets within your organisation or to see to it that they end up at a thereto more appropriate place. These may be, for example, departments of neurology in hospitals, rehabilitation centres, speech clinics, or a patients’ interest group in your country.

walesWe hope to be of service to you with this information; we especially hope that we can help prevent that people who suffer from aphasia end up in social isolation. We would gladly receive your reactions and suggestions; you can contact the undersigned for that (preferably in English).

What is aphasia?

Aphasia is a language disorder

Video about Aphasia (UK) 

With fraternal greetings, sincerely,


 Members of the AIA Board of Governors