Argentina adhere to the International Aphasia Awareness Month, October commemorated by the European countries
• Every Tuesday Prof. Silvia Rubio spoke in a radio program about APHASIA to raise awareness of the population ¿”Do you want to know about aphasia”? Get connected.
• On the first Saturday of each month and until the end of the year, Paula Ryan, (person with recovered aphasia), member of the Honorary Advisory Commission of Fundafasia, opened a space via zoom called “I listen to you.”
• Lic. Osvaldo Herrera, psychologist of the institution, had a meeting via Zoom with people with aphasia.
• Within the framework of the Levi-Montalcini School, in the new school year, Prof. Lucia Tiscornia inaugurated via Zoom, the first class in Theater History, which is part of the subject History of Combined Arts in the new cycle , the third Saturday of each month and will continue throughout the year 2020 and 2021
• Also within the framework of the Levi-Montalcini School, Lic. Nancy Martinez, nutritionist, began to dictate the subject on Healthy Cooking that will continue in 2021
People with aphasia who wish to participate must enroll in, sending their name, age, date and type of injury, and e-mail.
FAA (Fundación Argentina de Afasia Charlotte Schwarz)