Dear Members and future-Members of Association International Aphasia,
Please join us in the discussion of different sub-topics of aphasia awareness.
There are 3 different meetings to join.
One in Spanish, 14th October 2024,
one in French, 11th November 2024,
one in English, 14th November 2024.
Please find all the details below.

Reunión en español

Fecha: 14 de octubre de 2024
Tema: Aphasia Awareness (segunda reunión)
Hora: 17:00 Europa occidental
18:00 Chipre
16:00 Reino Unido
11:00 América del este
12:00 Buenos Aires
09:00 México
11:30 Chile
01:00 Sidney
Zoom link:
ID de réunion: 843 4191 1382
Código secreto: 776746

Réunion en français

Date: 11 novembre 2024
Sujette: Impact psychologique de l’aphasie
Heure: 17h00 Europe occidentale
18h00 Chypre
16h00 Royaume-Uni
11h00 Amérique de l’Est (côte est des États-Unis et du Canada)Buenos Aires
13h00 Paris
Lien zoom:
ID de réunion: 810 3285 8672
Code secret: 973782

Meeting in English

Date: 15th November 2024
Topic: Psychological impact of Aphasia
Time: 5pm western Europe
6 pm Cyprus
4 pm UK
11 AM Eastern America (east cost Us and Canada)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 892 6099 6324
Password: 546470

September 2024, Jean-Marie Annoni – Board member and Treasurer of AIA

Treasurer of AIA, Jean-Marie Annoni